Supersharp Tapping Mode AFM Probes

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Application Modes:

  • Non-Contact / Tapping Mode AFM Probes
  • Force Modulation (FM) AFM Probes
  • Contact Mode AFM Probes
  • Life Science AFM Probes
  • Ultra High Frequency AFM Probes
  • Conductive AFM Probes
  • Magnetic AFM Probes
  • Supersharp AFM Probes
  • Diamond AFM Probes
  • Hardened / Enhanced Wear Resistance AFM Probes
  • Nanoindentation and Lithography AFM Probes
  • High Aspect Ratio (HAR) AFM Probes
  • ScanAsyst ®** AFM Probes
  • Silicon Nitride AFM Probes
  • Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM) AFM Probes
  • Tipless AFM Cantilevers and Cantilever Arrays
  • Colloidal AFM Probes
  • Self-Sensing & Self-Actuating AFM Probes
  • Sphere AFM Tips
  • Platinum Silicide AFM Probes
  • Premounted AFM Probes
  • OLYMPUS*** Replacement AFM Probes
  • Search by AFM Probes properties:

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    Resonance Frequency: from: to: kHz *Valid range from: to:

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    **ScanAsyst® and Peak Force Tapping® are registered trademarks of Bruker Corporation.
    *** Olympus® is a trademark of Olympus Corporation.

    Apex Probes Ltd., 12th Floor, Ocean House, The Ring, Bracknell, RG12 1AX, Phone: +44 (0)1344 388016

    © 2018 - Apex Probes | design by ISB